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Electric Shocker (Mr Shibata Model)




Shocker for 100V and 200V

Retail Price  JPY 450,000


This shocker is Japanese professional tuna fisherman style.

and arranged to Mr. Shibata Style.

All set up including shocker lines, lead and bell alert system but your boat needs  generator to connect. Total Equipment Weight is around 30kg.

Normally, we miss  tuna  a lot of times  nearby your hand.

So, the shocker is really useful when the fish comes to 50m downthere and then  make the lead slide down to the fish .and  turning on the shocker. After that,  you can easily to bring your fish up.

and the tuna is still fresh and no damage to the body.

You can keep the price and the freshness.

Below  Shocker Part starts from around (8:30).



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