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Retail Price 59,999 (JPY)
This CS-Bird is originally designed by Mr Shibata, and Mr Hamaguchi improved to the current Standard Bird for Hybrid Greenstick.
Retail Price 49,999 (JPY)
CL-Bird is for Light type Greenstick called "Kona Stick" in Hawaii. Light stick is designed for more smaller boats less than 20ft length. CL-Bird works for both 24ft and 32ft Kona sticks.
The primary role of the bird are
1. Keeping the mainline the best tension and make the best action for more Greenstick Fishing
2. To splash the water, more fish follow the bird
3. When we get the fish, the bird weakens the fish. Even if we get double or triple, each fish weakens each other and the bird helps to weaken the fish more.
4. Even if the bird flips over, it gets back to make the greenstick best performance.
5. To alert the other fisherman that we are on the greenstick fishing.
To keep the bird good condition, the manufacturer recommends if the paint gets peeled off, paint over again.
Hopefully, at first dry out and paint again.
It takes 7 months to remake the bird. For the first 6 months the bird should be kept left in the dry room to remove the water inside woods. It takes one more month to paint.
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